Circle Partner
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Matt Gartland

Available for work
Circle certified Gold tier



Response Time

24 Hours - 48 Hours


Matt is a Circle advisor, early Circle customer, and leader of "community-as-a-service" (CaaS) business strategy. As CEO of SPI Media, he led the business transformation from variable one-time course sales to sustainable "community-powered" education, connection, direction, and support for online entrepreneurs.

Matt has joined the Circle Partner network to provide founder/executive support to 7/8-figure companies motivated to innovate and grow with community. Specifically, Matt is uniquely positioned to advise and equip companies in the following areas:

  • Executive vision, thinking, and decision-making 
  • Business strategy development and planning involving community 
  • Product strategy and innovation where community = product
  • Organizational/team design involving community roles and responsibilities
  • Scalable membership pricing strategies and tactics 
  • Financial KPIs to monitor, analyze, and forecast against

Services offered

Executive Leadership Business Consulting Community Strategy Engagement Strategy Content Strategy Monetization Business Finance

Service packages

Matt engages with founders/executives in 3-month advisory cycles. Cycles consist of weekly or bi-weekly strategy calls, asynchronous support and feedback, and a quarterly strategic planning session open to extended stakeholders. 

Matt's approach is entirely "bespoke"—he leverages his proven methods and models to help shape a company's community ideas and needs into organized, detailed, and executable strategies that align to defined business vision, goals, and priorities. 

Matt operates in a fractional capacity with only two active engagements at any one time. To inquire about his availability and other details, please contact Matt directly.


Randy Gerber

Founder, Gerber LLC and Founder Farm

I had an idea for a subscription-based product a few years ago and thought I had it figured out. After meeting Matt, I felt so enlightened on how I should actually be thinking about the new community we were looking to build. When we decided to engage Matt, he brought solid community-building strategies to the table and was always checking in to make sure that we were all on the same page along the way. Matt has helped our team understand how to structure our community, engage effectively with fellow members, and most importantly show value within the community. I would not hesitate to refer Matt to anyone who is looking for an incredibly driven and knowledgeable community consultant.

Elizabeta Damceski

Business Development, Gerber LLC

Matt is a true partner when collaborating with our team. When Matt started with Founder Farm, his deep knowledge and experience in the community space was incredibly valuable in helping us understand how to think about community as a product. He showed up to every meeting well-prepared, positive, and focused on strategically planning our next steps. There was never a time where we questioned Matt’s directional advice on our community. Matt was and continues to be a tremendous asset in helping our team get this community started and off the ground. Matt’s excitement and drive around helping others create successful communities is evident in everything he brings to the table!