How to create and launch your infinite offer


    What you will learn

    Danielle Leslie, a successful course creator and entrepreneur, shares her expertise in creating and launching what she calls an "infinite offer."

    The focus of this talk is on building a business around unique personal stories and skills, leveraging the power of online communities and courses. Danielle delves deep into the concepts of identity economy and the significance of storytelling in creating impactful and profitable online courses.

    You’ll learn about:
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      Creating an infinite offer: Learn how to develop an online course or community that continually evolves and grows with your audience, emphasizing the importance of aligning your offer with your unique identity and story.

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      Identifying your infinite customer: Gain insights into recognizing and appealing to customers who will remain engaged over time, providing their attention, time, and money, thereby ensuring a sustainable revenue stream.

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      The RES method: Understand and apply the Results, Experiences, and Skills (RES) method to create offers that resonate deeply with your target audience and command respect in the market.

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      Wealth plan and wellbeing: Discover how to create a wealth plan that not only generates income but also promotes personal wellbeing, highlighting the balance between financial success and personal satisfaction.

    Throughout the session, Leslie emphasizes the importance of authenticity and personal connection in the digital learning space. Her approach to course creation and community building is deeply rooted in personal experiences and the desire to empower others, making this session a valuable resource for both aspiring and established online entrepreneurs.


    Danielle Leslie held an engaging and insightful live session about creating and launching an "infinite offer".

    She shared her journey from starting her first online course to building a multimillion-dollar business, emphasizing the importance of identity and storytelling in the current economy.

    Danielle introduced the concept of "infinite offer", which revolves around evolving identity and wellbeing, and detailed the three major market shifts influencing this approach. The session provided practical strategies, including the RES method, to identify and develop unique course offerings and build a sustainable community.

    Attendees were guided through identifying their infinite customer, creating a wealth plan, and leveraging a single wealth habit for significant revenue growth. Danielle's session was a blend of personal anecdotes, actionable insights, and motivational guidance, aiming to empower participants in their entrepreneurial journey.

    About Danielle Leslie

    Danielle Leslie is a believer in infinite possibilities and the founder of Culture Add Labs. She helps people uncover their Culture Add, collapse time, and launch an iconic online course or business around it.

    Tom's Image
    Danielle Leslie
    $20M course creator of Course From Scratch


    Andrew Guttormsen: When we got our email back, we were like, Hey, we'll reach out to Danielle, right? Number one, can we get Danielle to come to this event and teach and speak? And we've been watching Danielle for years for everybody who's here in the audience. And we got that email and I was in New York and I think Danielle's in and from Alexis and we were just so excited

    Alexis Teichmiller: I took a screenshot, I dropped it in Slack.

    The whole team was excited. We're like all the reactions were like fire emojis. Very excited to have you here.

    Andrew Guttormsen: You walk the walk, Danielle. And I guess Alexis, I don't know if you want to introduce Danielle or if Danielle, do you want to brag about yourself for a minute?

    Danielle Leslie: Yeah, there's a little bit in.

    Andrew Guttormsen: Are you going to brag about yourself in there?

    Alexis Teichmiller: Yeah, you should, as you should.

    Danielle Leslie: Only so people have context. One of my favorite C words is context. So I like for people to know who's talking to me and where are they coming from? What's their lens, oh, so yeah,

    Alexis Teichmiller: absolutely. We'll hand it over to you. We will go off camera. And that way you can share your slides and everyone, the one and only Danielle Leslie.

    Danielle Leslie: Oh, thank you guys so much. Such an honor to be here. What up everyone? So I'm going to share my screen and I'm a big believer in. Us engaging and having a conversation. So clap once. If you can see the screen clap twice, if you can't.

    Okay. So we're going to be talking about your infinite offer today. So I am really grateful, Alexis and Andy, thank you for sharing your response to me joining the summit, because I had a similar feeling on our team, we're like Circle really is a leader in the market and you really take care of the creators.

    So it was the same for me. And I felt like this was a match made in heaven because I defined myself as being on a mission to help people collapse time. And we are talking about the future of online courses today. And I really focused on helping people do what takes most a lifetime in just a few years.

    So we're going to be talking about the future today. We're going to be embodying our future selves. So I invite all of you to time travel and I'll share a little bit of my timeline. As I mentioned. Very quickly, just so you know who's talking to you. So I'm not new to this. I'm true to this.

    I've actually been in this game for over a decade. So I launched my first online course called Press Play. Here's my little graphic I made. This was pre Canva, y'all. I don't even remember how I made this graphic. I think I made it in a Word doc and took a screenshot and did my best and kept it pushing or maybe PowerPoint.

    Yes, I used it in PowerPoint, but this I launched between 2011 and 2012 and it was based on my experience putting on a national tour. And then in 2012 to 2015, I worked full time at Udemy, which at the time was the one of the first and largest marketplaces of online courses. So I got to actually work every day with folks like you all helping us tap into our story and successfully launch their online courses.

    And so I got to work with thousands of people while I was at Udemy for almost. Three years. So I really cut my teeth there. And then in 2016, after leaving, going out on my own I was able to just get a lot of inquiries. So today, when we talk about building your community, building your infinite offer, your course you'll see that you'll have a lot of people reaching out to you as the expert.

    So that's what happened to me. And I started coaching and consulting one on one and then turn that into my, the beginning of my infinite offer, which was course from scratch in 2017. And so it's been a ride since then. So since then, of course, from scratch has helped. Over 10, 000 people. So we have 10, 000 enrolled from all over the world, extra, actually all different topics.

    And it now earns a minimum of 200, 000 per month on autopilot. And that's related to my wealth habit, which we're going to touch on today that you can implement to grow your community. And then this I'm really proud of that one in six of our course from scratch members are able to quit their full time job from what they learn in CFS.

    So pop in the chat if you were. If you're starting your course, if you're starting your offers, you can go full time on it. So you can work from anywhere, put a Ft in the chat if you're on that road to becoming full time. And so since then, I attracted my infinite customers, which we're going to touch on today, how you attract yours and what that means.

    And so it did make over 20 million in five years, which is wild. Like my family never seen anything like this. I never dreamed I would be able to create this. My biggest day was right here. January 10th, 2019, $238,000 in just two hours. So what you're learning from the Circle community, hopefully from my class is really how to set something up.

    So you're sharing your passion. Very passionately, and the world is going to receive you with the same passion. You share it. So this day, everything leading up to it and everything since then, getting us to this every month is because I share passionately my story and stand proudly in who I am.

    So this final piece, I'm super excited about that. Forbes called me the millionaire maker because not only has our course been successful, but we are actually creating millionaires. From CFS. These ladies and we have dozens more are now generating over a million dollars, multi millions. Some of them, eight figures from their online courses and communities.

    Terry, actually, I'm going to see her in a couple hours at a mastermind. She's here in town, but she's now, I think, over 40 million. So this I'm really proud of. And what I want you to lean into is what you're going to be teaching your story in your community. So you can also have your community members also thriving.

    So we're talking about the future today. This is something that's really important to me. This was me on my birthday this year. And what we did during my birthday is we wrote a letter from our future selves to our current selves. So I want to invite you today as we time travel. I'm going to be writing a letter from me as the future to you.

    Having seen a lot of different offers, been through a lot of different iterations of my business and really finding my groove, I'm going to be writing a letter to you and really leaning into the lessons of the past, the awareness of the present and the certainty of the future. One of my cheat codes is that I really believe the future me has already done it.

    So if you believe that, put future me in the chat. If you believe that the future you has already launched your community, you already have 1000 members in your community. They're all sharing. You already have meetups that have grown, under your brand within your community. You have courses and offerings that are helping serve your community.

    If you believe the future, you has done it, put future me in the chat. All right. So that's my cheat code. I always ask myself, what would future Danielle do? So whatever that future is if it's a more peaceful Danielle, if it's a seven figure Danielle and eight figure Danielle, whoever that is, I say, what would future Danielle do, would she join this program, which you join this community, which you wake up at 6 00 AM and do 20 minutes in the gym where she drank this drink green smoothie.

    So today I want us to lean into our future selves. All right, y'all. So we're going to start by zooming out. Okay, I like to zoom out and look at the macro trends that are happening and then we're going to zoom in and I'm going to take you on the ground and get tactical. But before we get on the ground and get tactical, we've got to zoom out 30, 000 foot view and see what's happening at a macro level.

    So there are three major shifts that I see happening. The first one is this shift from the industrial economy to the identity economy. Okay. Okay. So in the industrial economy, we were rewarded. You were rewarded for your time. You would clock in clock out. You got paid for your time, right? This was during the factory times and maybe even your parents generation working eight hours, getting that salary in the identity economy.

    Esther Perel calls it the identity economy. You are rewarded for your story. It's not the time you put in. It's how specific, how unique, how palpable is your story. So that you can help others learn from it because they will reward you if they are learning from your teachings. Okay. So I also call this the culture ad economy because I teach about, we are all culture ads.

    We are, we have a cultural advantage. So as we go through today's tactics in a second, I want you to lean into your identity. What is your cultural advantage? Because you're going to launch a community, a course, different offers, different experiences around that, right? And here's the big takeaway supply and demand.

    Anybody remember supply and demand? Anybody a fan of e comm in college or not? I was just talking with my auntie, Michelle. I was like, auntie, Michelle, I totally failed not econ, but stats. And we talked about supply and demand and stats. I literally failed it twice. And the third time I barely passed with a C minus.

    She was like, me too. I was like, okay, it must be something in the family. But I know that my biggest takeaway from stats, I actually use today in my way of thinking. Okay. Supply and demand. Who knows the law of supply and demand, right? It says the less you have of something, the higher the demand for it.

    If there are 50 million, black pens. You, they're going to be like one cent each because they're like, I get a black pen on every quarter. Now, if there is only one, one golden platinum pen, the demand for that the value, the perceived value is going to go way up. So what I like to say, the way I think about it is what you appreciate, appreciates and fun fact, I actually have the word appreciate.

    Written on my nails. It's camouflaged in there, but appreciate has 10 letters. And I'm really focused on this right now. What you appreciate appreciates. This has two meanings for us. The first one is gratitude, of course. So having gratitude for the moment and spotlight effect, what you focus on will grow.

    But the second meaning that I want you to think about when you have money. In a savings account, it earns interest. It appreciates, right? You're appreciating it by saying this is this is sacred to me and I want to grow it. So think about your story. Are you appreciating aspects of your identity and your story, your race, ethnicity, age, gender any health issues you overcame, any personal experiences, hardships you overcame?

    Are you appreciating that? Because when you lean into that and you appreciate what makes you different, It appreciates because you put more value to it, then you can teach a community, how to come to you for that thing, for that story. And then it appreciates and value. There's only one of you, you are one of one, and there's only one place to get it.

    The value of you is going to be huge and what you're offering. All right. So are you with me? Put yes in the chat. If you with me with this, what you appreciate appreciates. And this is what happens by the way, when you appreciate this is me in the first two years of my online course, a community business, growing it to a million in two years.

    And then in the next two years, 10 X grew it by 10 million. So we made a total of 11 million and then in the next year grew it by another 10 million. So when I say what you appreciate appreciates, we're going to talk about how I really leaned into my infinite offering story. All right. So that's the first shift.

    The second shift is that we are moving from where wealth is the focus, right? Money and status is the currency to wealth. Okay. I've created this. I'm like, yo, being and wealth together. Being is the currency. Have y'all noticed that post everything that happened in the world that, Okay.

    I'm so used to being on YouTube and it's don't use the C word. But post everything that happened in the world, we've really shifted to focus more on wellbeing, right? On mindfulness meditation. We're able to work from anywhere, work from home. So if you think about it, when you create this community and this course and this infinite offer.

    I want you to think about well-being is the currency. Are you helping your members feel better about themselves, feel more optimistic about the world, right? So this is what I mean by wealth. And I'm going to show you a wealth habit that helped me grow to the million in a little bit. And the final shift before we get tactical and get on the ground is moving from the physical property to the intellectual property.

    So let me know if this is you. I am. I, if any of you are first generation, I'm first generation. My mom is from Panama. My dad is from Jamaica. Definitely inherited the American dream where the goal was to buy a home, right? Physical property meant you made it. That was the North star. Now I was having a conversation with my business manager one day, a few years ago, and this is when my course of community had really exploded.

    I had over like I had a lot in the bank and I was like, Oh my God, this is way more money I've ever seen. And I said, I have to buy some property, right? And Justin says let me share something about Oprah with you. And I was like, okay Oprah's my girl. What you got for me? And he said, why do you think Oprah owns $800 million?

    I hope I'm not getting the word, the number wrong, but I think he said 800 million. And not 80,000,001 of those. But why do you think Oprah owns that much in real estate? In physical property? And I was like 'cause that's what you do when you have a lot of money, right? It's no, she made so much from her intellectual property, from her IP, that she needed to put it in real estate for tax purposes.

    And so that it was going into a passive vehicle for her, but she started with her IP. This is how she generated her wealth. So when we say your IP, it's your intellectual property. It's your story, right? It is what you overcame, who you are. So because of all these three major shifts, this is the future.

    This is the now you're in the right place. All right. All right. Are y'all with me? Let me check the chat. Okay, good. Oh, yay. Nicole's from the island. I see you. Let's go y'all drop a gem in the chat. I like that little gem. Who was the Rachel? I'll see you with the gem. Love the emojis. Okay. Sometimes I can't find them fast enough and I'm on zoom.

    So I always shout out the folks who can. So these are the three shifts that are why the infinite offer is the future. And why it's our focus today. Okay. So the infinite offer, which we're going to talk about in detail, it's created around two things, identity or your culture, add your cultural advantage.

    So it's created around identity, who you are and who you are helping your community become. Okay. Who are you helping them become and wellbeing? What habits are you practicing yourself? So you can show up as your highest self and what habits are you instilling in your community? Okay. So these are the two big themes around your infinite offer and what makes it infinite identity is infinite.

    We are forever evolving beings, right? Our wellbeing, our potential well being is infinite, right? So that's, that lends to the infinite offer. All right. So let's get tactical y'all. So we're going to learn these three things. What is an infinite offer? How do you create one? How do you identify your infinite customer who will pay you the ultimate ATM?

    I hope y'all are ready for these acronyms or take, technically it's on the acronym because it doesn't. Spell out a word, but it's an abbreviation ATF stands for attention, time and money. All right. So how do you identify your infinite customer? And lastly, how to create your wealth plan. So we're putting your wellbeing at the forefront of your wealth creation.

    And I'm going to show you how I scaled from zero to a million nine months by doing less. There is something I call the luxury of less that we think we got to be DTM. Do it too much all over the place. To me, I'm like, there's a luxury to doing less. And I want to gift that to all of us today. Okay. All right, let's go.

    So first piece, what's an infinite offer. How do we create one? So give me a guilty in the chat. If you are, you've been waiting in the wings and you're like, I'm not quite ready to start my community. I'm not quite ready to launch my course. I'm not quite ready. Because you're like, I need to get 10 K followers.

    First. I need to have a pop in YouTube channel. I need to be doing the dances on Tik TOK before it was 30 into 30, 40, into 40, 50, into 50. I need to have a TV show, right? If you've thought these things put guilty in the chat, here's what I want to tell you. I started with none of these things and so many others have, okay.

    You've been like this. No, I'm not ready. No, I'm not ready. Okay. Here's my news. You're going to learn today. Okay. We're going to learn together because I want every single person on here to get out of the wings and get out there and start building your community, building your course today. Okay. That's my goal.

    Let's start with your infinite offer. It starts with your identity. Let's look at two real time examples. I'm going to show you a non technical example of an infinite offer and a technical example, because one of the biggest questions and pushback I get is, but Danielle you have to create a community around finances or making money in order to grow it in order to have, a thousand members in order to make my money back.

    I got to have a course on tech in order to be successful. Okay. I've now seen thousands of course, topics and community topics that are around non technical things, literally communities on everything. Okay. So I'm going to show you two examples. The first is Alicia price. She started with her story. So when you're thinking about your infinite offer, tap into your infinite identity, she grew up in a single parent household.

    Then she became a single mom herself and she worked at her job as a mediator. at a nonprofit. So she studied communication. So because of that, she was able to successfully co parent her son. So what are we noticing? She's leaning into the story of her past, how she grew up in her childhood, and then her present as a single mom.

    And then her future, what she wanted to create with her son all around co parenting. So she decided she would teach other single moms, how to successfully co parent their children. Okay. And if any light bulbs are going on about your infinite offer, I want you to put light bulb. All right. So she created a framework around co parenting and she turned it into an online course and community.

    And she was able to make over 13 K from her online course and community teaching co parents. And she had a community of single moms. All right. I hope this is lighting up some light bulbs for you. So that's our non technical example. The second is a technical example with Tara Reed. And she started with her skills.

    So if you're trying to figure out where do I start with my infinite offer? Think about the skills you've acquired. So she grew up in San Diego. She developed an interest in art. She decided she would be the first to open the art world to beginners and everyday people like herself. So she developed an app that helped people collect art.

    Everyday people like me who at the time, did had barely a few dollars to my name, but I still wanted to collect art. And so here's more about her story, but the end goal, the end thing was she created an online course and community called apps without code to help other everyday people develop their own apps.

    So she just did it from her skills of app development with no code right now. Here's the kicker. What you appreciate appreciates she appreciated all these details about her upbringing and her story and her professional skills. So she priced her course and community at a premium, right? You bought her course, you became a part of her community, 2, 500 enrolled for people made 10k in 60 days.

    All right, is this making sense? I hope you're getting some light bulbs around where you can create your community and your course around. So what you're going to use is the RES method. These are many people who have used it. This couple right here turned their home recipe into a barbecue sauce or a hot sauce that's sold all over in stores.

    So now they have, of course, a community for other people turning their home recipe into products that can be sold in stores. So there's really nothing you can't do. So here's the RES method. You are going to make a list. Of your, oops, results that you've gotten in your life, any results. You were D one athlete in high school.

    You won the spelling bee in high school. You did improv. These are all useful results or skills and results. Describe your experiences, hardships, things you've overcome, how you grew up, and then identify the skills you got along the way. Now this is gonna be your bank that's going to inform you. You're gonna, you're gonna pick a few that you're gonna build your infinite offer around.

    Okay? So it's called the RES method because it commands R-E-S-P-E-C-T in the market. Okay? It commands respect to the market because it's all these things. It resonates with your infinite customers and it provides residual revenue. When you create a community around a set of results, experiences, and skills, that is residual revenue for you.

    That is recurring revenue, right? So tap into the RES methods. You could get respect that resonates that provides residual income. Put RES in the chat if this is a yes for you. Put RES. If this is a yes. Okay. Awesome. Oh, no way. I think I saw that Tara. Oh, Shara. I was one of her first four people. No way. We have someone from Tara reads apps without code program.

    That is super dope. I'm gonna have to, I'm gonna have to let her know. All right. So The RES method is important because it helps you uncover your identity, right? What aspects of your identity do you want to build a community around? And this is the foundation for your infinite offer. So remember you are the go to authority of your life.

    We're going to tap into your past, present, and future self. Okay. So here's the distinction that we're going to take into our second lesson in a second. What makes it an infinite offer? The first thing that makes it an infinite offer. There is an old version of a course in community that's helping people do something, right?

    This is the industrial age, right? This is the Newtonian age. Do this, get that. The quantum age, and sorry, I'll throw a lot of thought, a lot of vocabulary your way, but we're now in the quantum age and the identity economy, and this is what you, what makes it an infinite offer. You're helping someone become something as opposed to how to play piano.

    That's cool. We could have a community and a course for piano players, but let's elevate it. How to become a music improvisation master or better yet, how to become an improviser, how to become an improviser and the medium that you're teaching people to improvise is piano, but guess what? The same skills they're learning from becoming an improviser.

    It means they can be an improviser at home when they're playing with their kids in the boardroom, when they're doing a presentation at work whether on the train and they need like problem solving skills when they're public transporting. So when you are thinking about your infinite offer, ask yourself, who am I helping my community become?

    Okay. So for Alicia, it was helping them become confident moms for Tara. It was helping them become bootstrapped founders. All right. All right. Is this making sense? All right, so let's now get into you've got your infinite offer. Let's get into your infinite customer who will pay you the ultimate ATM attention time and money for their lifetime.

    So the reason and the other reason it's called an infinite offer is because you are going to have different ways of serving your customer. for their lifetime. Okay. So for however long they are in pursuit of that identity, you're presented them with, do you want to be a more confident mother? Do you want to be a bootstrapped founder, right?

    Do you want to be a culture ad, an improviser, as long as you're helping serve them in that pursuit of the identity. They are with you for infinity, right? And they'll pay you in attention time and money. So this is the model we're going to use to identify your infinite customer. So who are they today?

    And what do they want? So who are they today? And what do they want today? Who are they two months from now? Who do they want to be? And what do they want two months from now, six months from now and 12 months from now? So you are essentially mapping out, what are the identities? What are the things that your infinite customer wants to learn, wants to do to level up.

    All right. And so if you ever find yourself unsure, go back to your story, go back to your identity and ask yourself, okay, when I was in their shoes, when I was just starting, what did I want in 60 days, in six months, in 12 months? Okay. So let's look at an example. Let's go back to Alicia. We know Alicia story.

    She created a course of community and a workshop around co parenting. Here is what she did. So she introduced two levels. Okay, I'm going to show you what she did and then I'll show you what she if I could write as the future me write a letter to the past Alicia, what I would tell her. So let's look at this.

    So what she did first is she knew her first. Her infinite customer wanted to be a better co parent, a better communicating co parent. So she created a co-parenting course. All right. Priced around, it was between 500 to a thousand dollars. All right. So it was a 60 day program. And then she had moms graduating from her course and they said, Alicia, we want to learn from you because you're financially independent.

    Can you teach us as single moms how to be financially independent so we can provide for our kids? So she created the DOPE coaching experience and DOPE is an acronym for the framework she teaches in this experience. So this is a six month virtual retreat experience. Okay. So that was the second thing she created for her infinite customer.

    Now, here's what I would do, or I would have done if we could go back in time. Now that communities are really the future, I think, imagine this. If Alicia started by creating a community for single moms, and she could identify a specific type of single mom, maybe single moms who live in big cities or who live in the Midwest or who have sons or daughters or twins or kids around this age or ambitious single moms corporate moms, right?

    But imagine if she started with a community for single moms. And made it free or charged a nominal amount every month. So she's building that recurring revenue and then she's getting the insights from them and then launched her co parenting course. And then continued up the ladder and then she could offer a 12 month women's Circle.

    For the more advanced women. Is this making sense? So this is what we mean by your infinite customer. You are really serving them at every need, but it starts with your community and your course. All right. So let's see a technical example from Tara with apps without code. So we know that she launched her apps without code program.

    She priced it at 2, 500. Then she launched, Oh, I skipped one. Then she launched an app development agency. Okay. So this is an offer that's between 5k to 15k, somewhere in there, but she built out an agency that can develop your app for you. Okay. And it's actually less than six months. I think they do it in maybe a couple months time or so, or maybe a month.

    So this is her next offer, but imagine this, right? If we could go back in time, we know community is the future. What if she started by opening up a community for bootstrapped founders? And so I want to share that Tara actually did this in a very organic way because she started tweeting. And at the time when she launched this, it was about a decade ago.

    Yeah. We worked together about a decade ago. So at the time she was tweeting, she had her own blog. So she built a loose community, right? But now we have the tools like Circle to start building a community. So if we go back in time, I would say she could start a community for bootstrap founders and start growing that and then launch the rest of these.

    So she's now licensing her course content to companies. Okay. And getting big big things. All right. Is this making sense? Okay, y'all. I hope now remember we are in the future today. So the reason I'm giving y'all the tea, like I'm giving you the whole pyramid. I'm not just giving you this much because I'm here to help you time travel.

    So I've been in the future. I've seen it. My job is to come back and tell you what I've seen. So that's why I'm giving you the full tea today with the full pyramid. So I want to show you my infinite offer because I took it a step further and I have a. Thorough line, a through line rather of identity across all my offers.

    But I also got specific about what are the identities that my community members would want to achieve at every level, right? What's the identity and what's the outcome. So this will look different for you. If you're teaching a course in wellness, right? Your outcomes are going to look different. If you're teaching a course on painting, your outcomes will look different, but you'll still have different outcomes and identities.

    So I'll show you. What is what I did and then what I would add if I could go back. So I launched the course and the community course from scratch, and this helps people launch their infinite offer and make their first 10, 000. So that was the first thing and CFS had a community attached to it.

    Okay. All right. Then I launched course alchemy, which helps you launch your webinar and grow to consistent 10 K 30 K months. Okay. That was for people who wanted to elevate to influencer. And then finally I launched the CEO Circle, which helps you hire automate and scale to a million dollars or more per year.

    So notice how we've got a different offer. This is our infinite offer ladder for a reason to help serving our customer at every level, but guess where it starts. The community. So if I could go back and remember, I launched my first course a decade ago. So if I was launching it today, here's what I would do.

    I would start with that community for anyone, right? You can have a community for your course, but you could also have a community for anyone that feeds into your course. So that's that's a little something extra that I would modify. All right. So are you starting to see what's possible?

    Is it helpful for me to share like the whole pyramid and the big picture? Okay. Okay. All right good. As I mentioned, if I was starting today, I would start with that community, either free or paid. All right. So here's what we've learned so far, and then we're going into the third piece.

    So we learned what is an infinite offer and how do you create one? You learned how to identify your infinite customer and how they will pay you in attention, time and money for their lifetime. And then finally, we're going to cover how to create your wealth. plan. So let's get into this well being to see how I scaled from zero to a million in nine months by doing less.

    Okay. Let's lean into the luxury of less. So here is what I have to, I got to give myself credit. Okay. This is when you thank your past self for being wise. Now I didn't do these things. Give me a guilty. If you're thinking, you got to do all these things or got, you're like, I'm not ready to launch my community or my course because.

    And when I launched, I won't be able to grow it because I have to post on social media every day, have a podcast, YouTube channel, be active, work 24 seven, never have time for family or friends just to grow my course and community to 100 K in 12 months. So if you've thought these things, I want to show you there's another way.

    What I used was a wealth plan. So when we say wealth, it means it supports your wellbeing and creates wealth. Cause remember y'all, one of the three major shifts is we're going from money and status as currency to wellbeing as currency. Okay. So those who help you feel good, feel better and are their highest selves are actually the ones we want to be around.

    So that's why wellbeing is currency. So a question to ask yourself. Today, tomorrow, as you're embodying your future self, does this habit support my wellbeing and create wealth? Okay. Does it support my wellbeing and create wealth? So I'm going to show you my wealth plan that generated a million and nine months.

    So here's what I don't recommend you do. So I launched my infinite offer in January, 2017, and this was my online course. And I, then after launching it in January. I went into the cave. I don't know what the scaries, the Sunday scaries came out, but they stayed for a whole nine months. I doubted myself. I thought my course wasn't good enough, even though people got results.

    Is anybody, can anybody relate to this? So I started doubting myself for no good reason. Got into overwhelm, into stress, all of that. So I really didn't do anything with my course for nine months. I was doing everything else. I was, out, consulting, doing little speaking things for 400 here, a hundred dollars there.

    Then. Nine months later, I joined a program and I committed to my wealth plan. Okay. In October of 2017, let me show you what happened. As soon as I committed to my wealth plan, I made 10 K. This is all by the way, from one My infinite offer from one course and community. Okay. I had my course and then you got to join my community when you joined my course.

    So I made 10 K in October, 13 K in November, 27 K in December. Do you see the numbers growing February? My birthday month, shout out to the other February birthdays and fellow aquariums in the building. My first six figure month then didn't look back from there. So if you add this up, it was a Millie in nine months from one wealth habit.

    I'm going to show you what that wealth habit is to show you don't have to be doing too much. I don't want that to stop you from growing your community. So let me show you the wealth habit so you can choose whatever wealth habit works best for you. Okay. I'm a big believer into leaning into your genius, lean into your culture, add your cultural advantage.

    For me, it was a weekly live webinar. I am in a former life or my next life. I'm going to be a, musician artist on the stage in some way. So for me, a webinar is like my stage. So I actually loved doing weekly live webinars. Like I got to perform and I did the same the same class every week, but I got to try it with new audiences and all of that. So I did a weekly live webinar and I ran ads. That was my wealth habit. Okay. So I wasn't on the YouTube and the podcast and all this now. For you though, maybe you do a long form webinar and you turn it into a YouTube video and you turn that into a podcast episode and turn that into a tick tock.

    You have tools like you have tools to access to a lot more tools than I did when I started. The main takeaway here is how can you create one. One asset, one asset and turn it into distributed on different platforms instead of creating content across different platforms. So let me show you what the math actually looks like.

    When I committed to my wealth habit, I reached my, I did it moment, right? Which was making the million in revenue. But what was really underneath that was that I kept my word to myself. So when you are thinking about your wealth habit. And what you're going to commit to what I want to encourage you to do is ask yourself, what would it feel like if you kept your word to yourself?

    What would that feel like? If you said, I'm going to do this every day, I'm going to do this every Wednesday, I'm going to do this every weekend for four hours and you kept your word to yourself for one habit that's going to attract more members into your community, attract more folks into your course or create your offer, right?

    What are those wealth habits? So I want you to think about what is your, I did it moment, right? Is it launching your community in the next 30 days, launching your online course in the next 30 days, growing those to 10 K per month because you're attracting members, right? Think about what your, I did it moment is.

    Okay. Cause you, you got access to the tools and the trainings to make it happen. And let's take a moment. I would love to see some of your, I did it moments. So drop it in the chat. What is your, I did it moment when you have kept your word to yourself, stuck to your wealth habit? What did you do?

    What's what did the future you do already? Let's see. I'm going to read some of these off. Let's see what we got, Jordan. Let's go make 50 K in a month from a new course. Yes. Nico would have created your Circle community. That's right. You already did it. J L launch. My community already did it. Zach got your first 10 coaching clients, and I'm going to say congrats to y'all because the future you has already done it.

    Let's lean into that. Future you has already done it. Luby, you wrote a book. Congratulations. Odile, buy a house by the sea. Oh, that sounds so majestic, so amazing. Evelyn, making 10k per month. Jennifer made 250k in a year. Let's go. Shelly, working on my novel, four hours a day to finish it. That is beautiful.

    Kristen, convince my colleagues to launch our community in the next 30 days. That's right, Kristen. So I want y'all to take a second and read through these intentions, read through these I did it moments. We're going to share, we're going to, we're going to send the vibes for all of our I did it moments.

    All right, Eva launched an MVP community and course crystal made 94 K from a cohort course launch. Let's go. All right. And keep dropping those in. If you haven't made them yet, Jason, let's go create an endowment for a thousand scholarships. Ooh, this is so good. So I hope you're reading these getting inspired.

    This is the community. Like we're community right now. Like we are a community on this chat. We're a community right here. That Circle has brought together. So let's lean into each other and get inspired by our, I did it moments. Yeah. So I'm going to show you my wealth plan, right? And so this is what I followed and I want to give you permission, creative freedom to map yours out too.

    Okay. So I'm going to show you what this looks like for me. So this is our infinite marketing calendar that we use inside inside our business and also inside our programs. Again, I want you, I'm giving you creative freedom when you are, mapping this out, doodling yourself, you can pop in what your wealth plan looks like, but I just want to show you mine as an example.

    So I created my, an MVC stands for minimum viable course and community, but this is just the first version of my course. So created it and launched it. In 60 days and made 10, 000. Okay. So that was step one. And that's what we teach inside a course from scratch. Then after that, I launched my MVC, my course a second time while I was creating my webinar.

    So my wealth habit remember was a webinar that weekly webinar, right? So this is a sample one. That's not as intense as me. Can you believe I did my weekly webinar for two years straight? Almost. I didn't, I almost didn't miss a Wednesday. I would do it every Wednesday. It was called big money Wednesdays. This is a moderate approach.

    It's not weekly. I don't expect anybody to do this. What I mapped out here is if you were to commit to 15. sO this is just showing you, it's just doing the same webinar. 15 times roughly once a month for a little over a year. And if you add this up, you would have made 230, 000 in a 12 month period from your infinite offer from your course and community.

    All right. So that's core sales plus recurring community revenue. So just wanted to show you what's possible when you hone in on one wealth habit. For me, it was the webinar and the ads for you. It could be something different. Okay. So wanted to show you that to show you how simple it can be when we lean into the luxury of less.

    So I hope you're committing to this wealth habit so that we can share in these. I did it moments for you, because again, when I committed to my wealth habit. I was able to grow my infinite offer ladder. So in years one to two, I made a milli from my first course years three through four, I made 10 million, by the way, y'all, this was just from one course and one community.

    All right. Course from scratch course and the community right here. Then after 10 mil, here's where I introduced course alchemy, which is the advanced program that teaches you how to launch a webinar. So for you. You can see one community and course can actually take you quite far when you commit to one wealth habit.

    'cause what you appreciate appreciates all right, and this is someone I have to share, Dominique, because she outperformed like she, and I wanna share her because she did this recently. Like y'all have no idea. The access you all have to platforms, like Circle the resources here the resources that are available now with YouTube with doing webinars live on YouTube.

    Like that their access is insane. So what she did follow the framework created an infinite offer ladder. Okay. So she had a course, a main course and community, and then she had an advanced course and community. And she committed to a wealth habit of weekly webinars, just like following what we teach and generated 8 million in less than two years.

    Like what? Like wild. And she is a mom of two. She's a fairly new mom of two. I think both of her kids are under the age of two, I believe. I think Dawson just celebrated her second birthday. So she's out here. Okay. I, so I hope that gives you hope and remember it all starts with your first. You're right.

    You're your identity, right? You're your offer. So here's what we learned. What is an infinite offer and how do you create one? How do you identify your infinite customer who will pay you the ultimate ATM attention time and money for their lifetime? And then we just covered how to create your wealth plan.

    And I showed you how I scaled from zero to a million in nine months by doing less. All right. So how are we feeling? This is what we did. We talked about the future. We time traveled, right? I told you I was going to write a letter from the future me to the current you, right? And to my past self.

    And I hope you feel like we leaned into the lessons of the past. We demonstrated an awareness of the present because we shared our, I didn't moments. We're aware of what's right in front of us. right now, this opportunity, this moment. And then we leaned into the certainty of the future. When I congratulated you for already publishing your book, already spending four hours a day on your book, already creating that scholarship program for a thousand, 10, 000 leaders.

    I was congratulating the future you, because there is certainty the future you has already done it. When you embody that person now. All right. So remember, these were the three major shifts. And as you are out in the world, I want you to be paying attention to these shifts. And I want you to have these motivate you to grow that community, grow that course launch now, right?

    We need you. So we've shifted to the identity economy, the culture ad economy where you are rewarded for your story. This enables you. To grow a community around your unique cultural advantage, launch a course around your unique cultural advantage, right? Supply and demand what you appreciate appreciates.

    And that is what happened with my course. Remember we're shifting from wealth to wealth where wellbeing is currency, not just the money and the status. And the final one was the shift from the North star being physical property, but. First North Star being your ip, your intellectual property, really uncovering your story, turning it into an infinite offer.

    And then once you make the earnings from that infinite offer, you can put it into physical property as a passive asset class. And by the way, shout out to y'all who already own property because I think it's fantastic. If you can do both. Absolutely do it. I just know right here, I wanted to lean into that first.

    So keep these in mind as you create and launch your infinite offer, right? Identity, who are you and who are you helping others become? Have that be your guiding light. Am I proud of who I'm bringing forward today and who am I helping others in this community? I'm growing in this course. I'm launching, who am I helping them become?

    And then wellbeing, what habits are you practicing? And what habits are you instilling in your community? Let's be amazing leaders by example, and practice habits that we are proud of. So we can instill those in our communities that we're building that will create a tight knit community from you that will stay with you for life.

    And keep investing up your offer ladder. All right. How are we feeling? Are we feeling excited? Put yes in the chat if we are. So as I wrap up and turn it back over to Alexis and Andy, I want to give you an opportunity to connect with me. So I would love for you to say hello. Tag Circle tag me feel free from today.

    But you can find me on Instagram and Twitter at Danielle Leslie. And then if you want to see, I love looking at how other people have mapped out their programs, their course and community. So I provided the link. For course from scratch. If you just want to get an idea of how did she map out her infinite offer?

    How did she map it out? What's included. And it's an additional resource for you if you did want to want to learn from that it's join. coursefromscratch. com. All right. So I

    Andrew Guttormsen: Danielle! Amazing, by the way, can you, so you're the host, you actually have to be back as the host.

    Danielle Leslie: Absolutely. Make you.

    That was amazing.

    Andrew Guttormsen: You just absolutely killed it. Thank you, man, the the chat was. was on fire.

    Alexis Teichmiller: Yes. So much value. Can you also enable my video as well? Now Andy, that your host, I think that's, I think that's how

    Andrew Guttormsen: that works.

    Alexis Teichmiller: Passing the host baton.

    Andrew Guttormsen: All right. Give it a shot. Give it a shot, Alexis.

    What do you think? Let's see. There we go.

    Danielle Leslie: All right.

    Alexis Teichmiller: That was amazing. Thank you so much. That was, I loved how you tied in the meaning behind everything. We're not just doing this just for performance or to make money. Yes, financial wellbeing is a huge piece of it, but there's also that deep, meaningful part of doing business.

    And it helps. It helps make the world a better place, and I love it. That was a big piece of my takeaway from your session.

    Danielle Leslie: Thank you,

    Andrew Guttormsen: Danielle. By the way, so I want to talk about the offer we have here today. Everybody see my screen with the track record bundle. Okay I want to talk about it one more time, but then I want actually Danielle to talk about the big training we're going to be doing next week with you and give folks the the low down what that's going to look like.

    But the chart your course bundle right so this is something we've been putting together for months if you're ready to actually, build on the momentum that we have coming off of Danielle session and go out and. Create your course and have it be community powered and start to take these like steps that you need to take in order to actually maybe one day be the person who's delivering the Trinity and holding our hand through it.

    You should go and grab the chart, your course bundle. The way it works again, it's four weeks long it's taking place in October and you're not available to do a live, you can do it, self serve. It's going to be packaged really nicely, but it's for you. If you want to create a course this month.

    If you want to learn how to name your course, choose your topic, nail down the audience, if you want to go out and price your course, if you want to go out and create the content, map out the curriculum. And you want to actually go out and market it and track students and really go through all the steps but go in the most direct path, at least as direct as you can go from people who've done it before.

    This is it. It's The best way to do it alongside hundreds of people all at the same time. So we're really excited about it. And what we've done is we've married like that access. We have to all of the best course creators on Circle with the actual experts themselves, the people that we want to learn from it's people.

    Like Jordan, who's in the audience right now Danielle, it's actually not even part of the bootcamp itself. It's just its own kind of special beast. And this is a fast action, actually. So this is for people who are here alive on the summit, the training today, but Danielle, can you walk us through a little bit?

    What folks will get in the live event next week. Actually, Alexis, is it next week or is it the 7th? Is it the 5th?

    Alexis Teichmiller: It's next Friday, october 7th.

    Andrew Guttormsen: Yeah. So Danielle, fill us in.

    Danielle Leslie: Absolutely. So first thank you for the opportunity for me To do today's session, but also next week's so it is next week.

    And we made sure to make it as soon as possible because momentum is one of the best gifts we have as Andy was mentioning. So jump in with this so that you can join me next week. It's going to be a one to two hour session, and we're going to be really going deep on how you can identify what your course community and offer and topic is going to be.

    We covered the high level today. I want you to walk away knowing this is a premium community and course offer that I can bring to the world. So we'll go into that and we'll touch on pricing. So you can see some like pricing options when you're thinking about pricing it. And overall, I'll be showing you how I was able to make 20, 000.

    In 60 days, and that was just the beginning. When you launch your course in your community, you'll have that recurring revenue that's going with the community after that. So I'm just giving you the beginning of what I did. And the main thing is I'll show you how I did it when I had no existing audience.

    So yes, I have, the audience and the things now, but I've been doing this for a minute. So I'm going to take you back to where you may be now, if you don't have the followers in the audience how to actually launch your community, your course and how I was able to do that.

    Love it. And it's so nice.

    It's really nice getting to learn from people who've just done this before. Like they've really walked the walk for a long time. Danielle is that person. But so is everybody else who's in. In the charter charter course and bootcamp. So I just want to walk you through this again. Everything you get, cause you get a lot here, right?

    So it's four weeks and there's four kind of different focuses one, for each week and we're expecting hundreds of people going through it. And so the way it's going to work is it's four weeks long. It starts on Monday. Next Monday, right? October 5th. It's all happening inside the private Circle community.

    So if you go in there and I know we have a lot of people on the call right now, say hi in the chat who are in the Circle customer community, but It's action packed in there, right? So when you guys Circle, you're getting really the courses platform, but you're also getting the community platform.

    You got your space in there. You do your live events. You can do your real time group chat, private messages, member directory. Like it's really like cohesive experience that you can deliver this unique. experience for your students and your members. But we show you how to make the most of Circle inside this bootcamp.

    And so it's all happening inside the Circle community. That's where you'll normally go. You have a question, you answer it, you ask it, you'll see like a whole bunch of people go in there and start to answer it and help it out. And it's really cool. And to see the relationships that form as we go on, it's it's something that's unique.

    And I think that is, is pretty unique to the Circle. Customer community. So we'd really love to keep the momentum from the summit going and take it right into the Circle customer community. Now, the speakers as a reminder because I did just see we had about a couple hundred people just join. There's been close to, there's been over 700 people for the last hour seven or 800 people.

    But here's your speakers. So we have Mariah, Danielle, Mariah,

    I'm sure. Yeah, she's amazing. Yeah.

    Andrew Guttormsen: Mariah will teach a lot of the marketing around your course, how to go out and pre sell your course how to go out and attract students pricing, packaging, things like that.

    You're going to learn from. The right of passage and Fortalebs folks right inside the bootcamp. So you'll learn, how do they create these really community first approaches because they are running two of the most successful cohort based courses right now on the planet.

    Thousands of members, right of passage, Fortalebs their audience, they go in, they have the course, it's project based, they get big outcomes, and they go and tell everybody about it. But it's really cool to see how thoughtful they are about how they deliver that experience because these are premium courses.

    And so we're bringing them into to walk through. Hey, here's how we do it. Here's how we approach it. Here's how we onboard our students. Here's how we, set up the different weeks. And here's how we get feedback from from students to make the courses better. So a lot of the in the weeds stuff.

    Yeah. You should go and buy a Circle. You should sign up for the pro plan and you should be in there and you should participate in the bootcamp. And if you can't do it, you should still sign up for a Circle. And then what you should do is is have all of that ready for you when you're ready to start.

    So anyway, really excited. Thank you, Danielle. This was just, it was awesome. It was everything I think we were hoping for. Yeah. Do we have time for any Q and a Alexis?

    Danielle Leslie: Yeah, we have, I think we have four minutes.

    Andrew Guttormsen: Four minutes. We can even five or six if we need, huh? Yeah,

    Alexis Teichmiller: we can, we have about five minutes.

    Yeah, we would love that. If anyone has any, actually, someone did have a question for you, Danielle, around the webinar topics. You had mentioned that you had taught a webinar weekly for almost two years, and they wanted to know specifically around the content, did you ever tweak it and what was the evolution of that webinar over the, over that two year span?

    Danielle Leslie: Yeah, absolutely. Oddly enough, I think I updated that webinar twice in all that time. Yeah, so I would do the same webinar every week. What I would do is make modifications. So for instance, with the offer, how do we get. Higher percentage of people to pay in full, right? Instead of having maybe 20 percent painful, I think we're now at 70 to 80 percent who pay in full.

    So I would make those tweaks minor ones, but yeah the meat of the presentation was the same every single week. It was like a Broadway show, just a new audience every week.

    Alexis Teichmiller: I love it. I love it. And you on stage. Another question was, did you charge for those webinars or were those free?

    Danielle Leslie: Yeah. I did the free model. Yeah. So those were all free. Okay. Okay.

    Alexis Teichmiller: Great. Jean, I just dropped the link in for you so that you can get access to Danielle's fast action bonus. oKay. Carrie asked, are you attracting new audiences through ads or how are you accessing those new audiences?

    Danielle Leslie: Yeah. So my strategy is ads primarily. And so I'm just now going into organic and going to be getting into YouTube, but yeah, it was first. Facebook and Instagram ads, then Google and YouTube.

    Alexis Teichmiller: Okay, Celeste asked, Danielle, did you do them? Did you do the webinars on different platforms or the same platform every single time?

    Yeah, so same platform.

    Yeah, I did them on the same platform. I just used Webinar Jam. But I know now there are so many different other options. So I would definitely check out what other tools are available.

    Melanie asks, what was the big jump in revenue between January and February of your wealth plan?

    Danielle Leslie: Yeah, great question.

    Great. I, so you're right. January, I think was around 40 K and then February was like 130 K. It was because I did a launch to my list. So leading up to it, I was doing a weekly webinar for only new leads. So I would run ads and get in about 3, 500 leads. I would do live webinar for only those people would get the follow up emails.

    So in February was the first time that I did a live launch. And so I emailed my whole list that I had accumulated by that point. And I think. I don't, I was probably around a hundred K subscribers maybe by that point, but I emailed the whole list then. And then that's why it was the jump. Cause I did a webinar for everyone. Okay.

    Alexis Teichmiller: Great advice. Great tactical advice. Nina asked when you began with paid traffic, were you targeting ads on social or Google? Do you have any recommendations for running organic traffic in the beginning to get folks to the webinar? If we can't do paid yet.

    Danielle Leslie: Yes. I started on with ads on Instagram and Facebook.

    So that's where I started. And then I honestly took the same. I have like my one, I did it and I showed you guys like a screenshot of it. And we'll go into more detail about that piece of content. On our bonus session next week. So those of you who joined us next week, we'll go into detail about how you can create that one piece of tasty content.

    And I'll break down what tasty means, but I took that one piece of content and then turned it into ads and then turn it into a YouTube ad by just doing a video version of it. Now, what I would recommend for you though, is I'm starting with organic. Absolutely. I did ads because I worked at startups. I, my first job was ad sales, so I just had that background experience.

    So I was, that was a part of my genius zone. I would say if that's not the case for you, start with organic, start with a long form YouTube video for 20 minutes, 15 minutes, sharing a framework, sharing your story. And then eventually you can chop that into pieces and try running those as ads. But yeah, I would start with organic.

    Alexis Teichmiller: Okay, last question from Carrie, what paid program were you directing the free webinar attendees to through an email sequence? Almost what was that post. Pre webinar experience, and then post webinar experience from the sales funnel side.

    Danielle Leslie: Yeah, sure. Super simple webinar funnel. I would send them to the webinar registration page and I would do it every Wednesday. So depending on what day they joined they registered rather they would get pre webinar emails. Those are the indoctrination emails

    for them to get to know you, then I would go live on Wednesday and then if they didn't read, if they didn't enroll in course from scratch, then I would send follow up emails for only about five days post webinar. Yeah, so that was the sequence.

    Alexis Teichmiller: Okay, thank you so much. Thank you for being here. We are just thrilled to have you part of the future of courses summit. I'll drop this in the chat. Not the last time today, but right now. For the fast action bonus for the extended live training with Danielle. That's going to be next Friday, October 7th.

    She'll be going even deeper into the tactics of building her course funnel and all the success that she's had over the last five to seven years. Danielle, thank you so much. Such a, such an honor to have you here to learn from you. And I know that everyone that's watching live and the recording feels the same. Thank you so much.

    Danielle Leslie: Oh, thank you. I appreciate all the love in the chat too. You guys are awesome. Thank you so much. Andy and Alexis for having me truly. Thank you so much. You're welcome. Have

    Alexis Teichmiller: a great rest of your day

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