Uncomplicated launch strategies for Circle communities


    What you will learnt

    In this session, Circle expert Tatiana Figueiredo shares her tried-and-tested framework for community launches. You’ll learn practical strategies and steps to plan your next community launch (or relaunch), no matter where you’re starting from or what type of community business you run.

    • The four types of community businesses and the best launch strategy for each
    • A menu of bite-sized actions that you can choose from to plan your next launch
    • How communities of all sizes have implemented these strategies successfully
    • Common mistakes community builders make when launching a new community, and how you can avoid them


    In this session, community-building expert Tatiana Figueiredo delves into effective strategies for launching online communities. Joined by Mathilde Leo, the head of community at Circle, they share their personal insights and experiences, offering a wealth of knowledge about how to successfully launch a community from scratch.

    Among the key insights shared in this session was the value of launching swiftly and iterating based on member feedback, rather than waiting for an elusive “perfect launch.” Mathilde candidly recounts her own experience with over-engineering the relaunch of her community, providing valuable lessons from her journey.

    Both Tatiana and Mathidle agree that starting small de-risks the process for both the community leader and the members. By launching quickly, community builders can learn what their members most need, which helps inform future offerings and messaging.

    Attendees contributed to the conversation by sharing their personal fears and challenges, such as the fear of charging, overthinking, and potential misalignment. The speakers addressed these concerns, further enriching the discussion and making it relatable for those grappling with similar issues.

    After discussing the limiting beliefs and challenges that can hold you back, Tatiana presented a practical menu of different launch activities that community builders can mix and match depending on how much time and resources they have. From email sequences to open houses and partnerships, this “launch buffet” helps you prioritize what launch activities make the most sense for your own community.

    If you need an uncomplicated roadmap for planning your next community launch, then this session is for you. As one attendee put it, “The session was not just informative, it was transformative.

    About Tatiana Figueiredo

    Tatiana Figueiredo is a community business strategist and founder of The Business of Community, where she helps community founders start and scale values-driven community businesses. You can learn more from her about community, connection, and leadership through her newsletter or by checking out her Build a Community Business course and community.

    Before focusing exclusively on supporting community founders, Tatiana worked in international sales, marketing, product management, and growing her community business to 2000+ members.

    Tom's Image
    Tatiana Figueiredo
    Founder of The Business of Community


    Mathilde Leo: Hello everyone. I’m Mathilde, the Head of Community here at Circle. We’re thrilled to have you all join us for this workshop with Tatiana, one of our Circle experts. We have a lot to cover today about community launch strategies. But don’t worry, launching doesn’t have to be a big month-long project or a huge undertaking. Our goal today is to make you feel more prepared than you think you are to launch your community.

    Tatiana Figueiredo: Absolutely Mathilde. We want you to leave this session feeling confident and ready to take your next step. Before we kick off, tell us a bit about who your community is for. A few words about your members or prospective members would be great. Also, let us know what you hope to get out of this session.

    Mathilde Leo: Brendan, you’re launching a community of writers in September? That’s amazing! And Scott, a community for social entrepreneurs – wonderful! Peter, a community for CTOs looking for tips on getting started? Exciting! Maria, also building for writers? Wow, the chat is on fire. So great to hear about all your communities.

    Tatiana Figueiredo: Indeed, it’s always my favorite part of any Circle workshops – hearing about what you’re building. We’re going to get more time for sharing in the chat today. Thank you for sharing and telling us a bit about what you’re doing on Circle.

    Mathilde Leo: Now, a little bit of housekeeping. We’re together for 55 minutes. If you’re comfortable turning on your video, it makes this session a little friendlier, but you don’t have to. There will also be a replay of this session, which will be hosted in our video library.

    Tatiana Figueiredo: Hi everyone. Can you hear me? It’s so good to be here. As you all might know, I’m a Circle expert. I’ve been a community builder for over ten years. I believe in the power of small businesses online, and what I do now is help people build.

    Mathilde Leo: That’s wonderful Tatiana. Your experience and insights will surely benefit everyone here today. Now, let’s get started.you, but it’s a story from my time at Duolingo. At the time, I was leading a team of community managers, and we were launching a new feature – language courses – in a new market for us, which was Asia.

    We had a big launch planned, with an extensive marketing campaign, press releases, influencers involved, the whole nine yards. It was going to be a big deal. But, a few weeks before the official launch, we quietly opened up the app for beta testing to a small group of users to iron out any bugs or issues.

    You won’t believe what happened next. Word got out about our beta launch, and within days, thousands of people were signing up and joining our community. They were so excited that they began sharing the app with their friends, posting about it on social media, and creating a buzz that we hadn’t even planned for.

    This accidental soft launch turned out to be one of the best things that could have happened to us. We learned so much from those initial users. We found out what they loved about the app, what they didn’t like, what features they wanted to see added, and so much more. This real-time feedback allowed us to make adjustments and improvements to the app before the official launch.

    So, my point is, don’t get too caught up in the details of your launch. Don’t wait until everything is perfect. Get your community started as quickly as possible, learn from your initial members, and iterate as you go. This approach will not only save you time and energy, but will also give you invaluable insights into what your members truly want and need.

    Now, I’ll hand over to Tatiana to dive deeper into the strategic part of launching your community. Tatiana, over to you.

    Tatiana Figueiredo: I focus on what I call community businesses. These are businesses that really put community at the center of everything they do. This means viewing every aspect of the business through the lens of community, from marketing to sales. I currently run a course on community within Circle. It’s aimed at thoughtful community builders at any stage of building a community-centered business. The group is wonderful, and some members might even be here today. My course is called “Build a Community Business.” My work revolves around supporting people who aspire to build these types of businesses—those with good values aiming to contribute positively to the world.

    Mathilde Leo: You do it so well, Tatiana. Every time we discuss your work, I feel compelled to showcase your community and the activities behind the scenes. We’ll link everything in the replay so people can find you and your community business.

    For those who don’t know me, I’m Mathilde, leading the community function at Circle. My role mainly involves accelerating your success on Circle by connecting you with the right resources and other community builders. That’s the power of the Circle community. You can learn from thousands of community builders who have built virtually any type of community and gain insights from experts like Tatiana. My team focuses on creating resources and setting the stage for you to learn from others building communities on Circle. Now, let’s dive in.

    I’d like to begin this session with a hot take, which we will further explore with Tatiana. Here’s what I want you to consider throughout this session: the details of how you launch aren’t as important as launching quickly. Here’s why. Launching your community means learning—learning what your members want and need. In the early stages of building something new, especially a community, you should spend time validating what matters to your members. Will they tune in live for weekly coaching sessions with other members, or do they prefer to learn on their own, consuming resources and then coming together at a specific time asynchronously?

    You may also wonder how much time your members will spend together in the community and how much time they will spend interacting with the content and making connections. You can answer these questions through research. We often discuss the importance of user interviews, especially in the product world. While these interviews can provide valuable insights, it’s also crucial to observe what people do, not just what they say they do.

    In the world of community, it’s different from a product. You’re not just validating if someone will use your product to solve a problem. You’re trying to understand if people will come together to solve a problem. This is why launching quickly is important—it gives you a chance to see if your members will want to come together with others to solve a problem. To illustrate this point, I’d like to share a story that some of you may already be familiar with.

    So this is the story of how I over engineered the relaunch of the community I used to run. This community was called Jam. Jam was a community for product managers that I started in my first year of my career. It was an event series for product managers — conferences, retreats, events, and we used to gather multiple times a year. The community grew; it became a series, it became a community I could live off, which is not something I expected when I launched it.

    Long story short, Covid happened, right, and we had to transition this community to a membership model. We had to reinvent the ways in which our members came together. And so before joining Circle, before working at Circle, I was a Circle customer. I was like you, I was building my community on Circle in 2020. What I did to relaunch this community, or to rethink this community from in-person gathering to membership model, is my co-founder and I spent so much time talking to our audience. We had a big, relatively big, audience, but we talked to probably hundreds of people from our audience of about 10,000 members. We asked: “What would you want in a community like this? Tell us about your problems right now? What are the skills that you’re missing? How would you like to connect with other folks?” We did loads of user research and spent probably three months refining and polishing our launch plan.

    We settled on creating a membership in which people can come together in a Circle community, have access to three to four workshops a month, and connect with one another. We thought we were pretty confident about this. But when we launched, we learned that in the first week that our members were already very soon fatigued. They actually didn’t care too much about having a workshop every week, they just wanted to connect with others. Simply having a directory of members and DMing in the Circle community was enough for them.

    Despite all the user research, we ended up building something that was not exactly what our community needed. We could have learned the same by launching in a week instead of three months and observing folks. Just telling us, “Hey, this is awesome. I’m here and I’m reconnecting with people from all the events and that’s all I need and I’m ready to pay for that,” which is what we discovered three months later. A few of the mistakes that I made that you can easily avoid are: weeks of research while I already knew my audience. I had spent six years doing conferences for those people. It was a new medium, an online community, but I actually knew more than I thought, more than I realized.

    Second mistake, waiting for the perfect time. We kept pushing our launch date because it was not the right week or there was an online conference at the same time and so on. We wanted to capture a lot of interest and we kept delaying our launch.

    And the third mistake, which should have been put first, was offering too much. We thought we had to pack our offer with workshops, discussions, member directories. But our members really cared about one thing: connecting with others. This can be different for your community, but in our case, that was what happened.

    So those mistakes, Tatiana in a second in a minute is gonna share how you can avoid them. The key here is really to be selective about what you include in your launch and what you don’t include in your launch. We’re going to talk about that.

    But before we did a quick transition and a quick moment of reflection take a moment to reflect on where you at with your community right now. Think of your next Milestone whether that my Milestone is a launch relaunch or something else. Maybe if you already live you probably have a goal that you’re working towards.

    Think about what’s one thing that you feel is holding you back? It can be perfectionism. Kind of like overchoice or overloading your offer or anything else, really? And then think about one small thing you can do to mitigate against this. Take a moment to think about that and then I’d love for you to put your answers in the chat if you feel comfortable. Otherwise just write it for yourself.

    All right, so I’m gonna be a couple of your answers super super interesting. For Brenda is learning the technology that was holding her back mitigated by just diving into the circle tutorials. Oh, that makes me happy Brenda. We were building more of those three more coming tomorrow. So watch that space.

    Robin fear of charging and perfectionism fear of charging is a big one Tatiana. I can talk a lot about that if if we want learning it the technology. Yes. Hopefully that’s one thing that we can help you with. For Craig, it’s overthinking and trying to get the perfect funnel and sales page. Yep. That’s a common one as well. Overthinking and wanting it to be perfect.

    Fear of no one joining that’s an interesting one to think about. Misalignment and uncertainty of price points feeling like I need to over deliver. Yeah a big one. That’s exactly where I was at with Jam. You know, like let’s just create all this value. Well, thank you so much for sharing everyone. It’s I know it takes a bit of a you know. courage to share like things that might be holding you back, but it’s really good to hear.

    Tatiana, are you ready to continue the session with the strategies?

    Tatiana Figueiredo: I’m ready amazing. Thank you for sharing that Mathilde and thanks everyone for sharing that in the chat. I hope that you all are seeing each other’s answers also, so you can see a lot of us have the same kind of things in common and we hopefully normalizes that the perfectionism the feeling like you need to over deliver the like trying to like make every single thing perfect and make sure everything is is in its place.

    One thing that I like to remind people who are building Community is being in perfect in community is a requirement of you as a community leader. If you don’t show the cracks in what you’re doing and in you then people will have no space to connect because we connect over the things that aren’t so perfect. So if you’re showing up perfect, you’re actually preventing your people from showing up as themselves and being in perfect as they show up in the community, which is another reason to Launch.

    As soon as you can and try to figure out a way to get things out there and start Gathering people, even if it feels like you’re not ready and sometimes being transparent with that with your members. It would is gonna help you find your first members also. I wanted to say before I start that one thing that everyone not everyone but some of us here might be thinking about is. And what if I don’t really have an audience, I don’t really have a group of people to to launch this to and I very much come from that perspective myself because when I launched my community I had a very small audience I was mostly working with people one-on-one and I hadn’t really been talking about this stuff publicly.

    So a lot of my thinking in the last year that the community has been running has been around how do we get to community faster? And I don’t think that you need to build this big audience and then later build community. I think you can just build a community and that’s kind of the strategies that I’m gonna share today. Today, I’m gonna talk about lots of different little things that you can do so it could be overwhelming but try not to get overwhelmed with it. At the end, you’ll see kind of a way to pick the ones that you’re actually going to do.

    Think of this as like a big buffet of ideas of different things that you can do and just pare down. Launch faster. It’s way better to just get something out there than to then then to wait and not launch something as Mathilde has shown us in her example. Okay, so yeah, buffet of ideas. Exactly.

    Okay, so I’m gonna start sharing. Hope that’s the right screen. Someone would tell me if not, okay. So the first thing we are going to talk about is this like overall if you’re starting from scratch? What should you launch? Like? What should your community be?

    If you’re starting from scratch and you don’t yet have an audience. You don’t yet have the community. You’re not really sure how things are gonna work and it’s basically like the chicken and the egg problem. You’re trying to sell community to people but how can you sell community before you actually have the community there to talk about? So I’m gonna give you some examples of things that you can do.

    Specifically one for each of the four types of community businesses. I’ve talked about this in a previous workshop. I think that there are basically four types of community businesses and these are the four membership community and evergreen course that has like office hours and a community attached to it. A cohort-based course, which is basically like a short-term community and group coaching which is like smaller group, there’s connection involved but it’s much more around group coaching.

    So I’m going to talk about one way that you can just craft something to launch fast in each of these four different types of community businesses and you might have like a combination of a few of them. So don’t worry too much about like this being super strict. For membership community. One way to start this in like de-risk it for yourself. And for your members is to launch with like a three-month experience, so don’t even think about it being like an ongoing thing that people are paying for every month. Just design what three months would look like if everyone was gonna come together for three months and then leave after the three months.

    So this helps de-risk it for you because what if you hate it and you don’t want to build a community, you can just stop and not do it after the three months but also for your members because because it’s three months they can say like, okay. I know what my next three months are gonna look like and I can join this. So even if you’re starting from scratch and they’re not exactly sure what it’s gonna look like it’s okay because it’s only three months so it’s important that you just sign something that is like, analogous to what your eventual member journey is going to be your growth journey is what I call it. And then schedule everything in advance and try to like really paint a vivid picture of what this is gonna look like for your members.

    So if you think it’s gonna be the like once a month, we’re gonna have a guest speaker try to like already have those guest speakers and know that like September is this person October is this person November’s this person and this is what we’re going to be doing.

    The more specific you can get with it. The easier it is for people to visualize and the easier it is for them to come in and do this with you this works. Even if only like a handful of people join because then it turns more into like a group coaching situation, but you’re still learning from the people who join and you can still get a lot out of it in terms of like what you’re ultimate Community experience is gonna look like so you can easily turn this into a real membership that people are paying for continuously.

    So that’s one idea. So let’s say you’re aiming for a model that includes an evergreen course – which means it’s recorded lessons plus office hours, like what Mathilde here does with Circle’s office hours – one way to start is with a challenge. A challenge is even shorter term than three months and has a very specific outcome. You can record short videos or written content. Don’t let this hold you back because you can literally record them right before you send them. There’s no need to have all 12 of them ready or however many you plan to do. In fact, I think it’s better not to have them ready because you’re hopefully learning as people are engaging with what you’re doing.

    Then you can launch some kind of very simple accountability structure to connect members to each other so that it’s still a community experience. This will help you design the content for the course if you don’t have the course yet, and also start seeding the community with the first people who are interested in this kind of content.

    Mathilde Leo: Tatiana, there is a question that we can cover during Q&A at the end, which is a good one.

    Tatiana Figueiredo: Cool. Oh, this challenge I’m doing right now is a good example. It is a design challenge that covers the basics of design for people who aren’t designers. I’m learning a lot from it. It’s 20 days of short videos, and there’s a Circle community with it where you can post your work and get feedback from Nate and the other people doing the challenge. It’s very lightweight. When I joined, it was twenty dollars, and as more people join and he adds more videos, he’s increasing the price.

    Mathilde Leo: I didn’t know about this actually. There are too many awesome communities being built on Circle. It’s hard to keep up with all of them. I’ll definitely check this out.

    Tatiana Figueiredo: Yes, the website is called Approachable Design. Now, if you’re doing a cohort-based course, what I would start with is a beta cohort. That’s what I did for my course. I pre-sold 10 spots to the course. I had nothing built at all. I had a rough idea of the structure so I could explain it to people, but I didn’t know what it was going to be, and then I just taught it live to those 10 people. And that’s how I tested the content. That’s how I knew these are the types of people who I want to have in the community and to take this course. From there, I started to build the structure around what the course was actually going to be. So again, with this one, with the small group, find ways to connect members one-on-one and make sure that the value doesn’t just come from you, but also from the members themselves. They should be able to exchange knowledge and experiences, gaining value from each other as well as from the content you provide.

    If you’re considering launching group coaching, one effective way to do this is through a virtual retreat. This would be a short-term, intensive coaching program focused on a specific problem or transition. Ideally, these programs should prepare your participants to engage further within the actual community you are launching.

    As you implement these programs, you’ll be testing a variety of aspects. You’ll ask yourself: Are these the right people to be in the community? Am I reaching them in the right way and in the right places? It’s important to note that, in my opinion, these programs should be paid. Offering them for free means you’re testing with a different group than those who might actually purchase your offerings.

    The term “short-term” can vary depending on your program. It could literally be a one-day retreat, or it could span up to two weeks. The goal here is to test how your content will resonate in a group context and what mechanisms you can introduce to foster connections among participants.

    Mathilde Leo: Any questions so far before we move on to discussing the launch buffet?

    Tatiana Figueiredo: Launching can sound intimidating, almost as if you need to be glued to your computer for 48 hours straight, juggling multiple tasks simultaneously. But this doesn’t have to be the case. If you approach your community feeling exhausted from an overwhelming launch, you won’t be at your best. And when building a community, being at your best is crucial. Your members and potential members will sense your energy and respond accordingly.

    That’s why I advocate for calmer, more relaxed launches. Think of a launch as a buffet; you don’t have to consume everything on offer. A launch, to me, is simply a cluster of visibility points in a short period of time. By clustering these points, you’re giving people multiple opportunities to get to know you and your community. They might see you in their email inbox, on social media, and hear you on a podcast they’re listening to. The idea is to make an impression in a short period of time, prompting them to make a decision.

    If your launch period is two weeks, can you schedule a variety of activities during that time? It doesn’t mean you have to be live every day for those two weeks, but with careful planning, you can ensure a series of events are happening in a condensed timeframe. To help with this, I’ll share 12 ideas for potential visibility points during your launch. I’m going to break this down into bite-sized pieces, starting with the most important aspects. The first one is an email sequence. This involves sending out five or more emails that take potential members on a journey towards joining your community. This is a golden opportunity to infuse your personality, share personal stories, and paint a picture of the possibilities your community offers. Also, it’s crucial to detail what they can expect if you’re launching, say, a 12-week experience. What will those 12 weeks entail? What will it feel like? The goal is to provide a full explanation in your sequence, ensuring each email links back to your landing page.

    Now, there are plenty of guides on how to create launch sequences, but many of them tend to exert undue pressure on potential members. Phrases like “Act now! This is your last chance!” may create urgency, but they could also induce anxiety. You want your members to feel excited about joining your community, not pressured. So, bear in mind how you want them to feel when crafting your emails.

    Next up is your landing page. This is where people discover what happens in your community. Your emails should always link back to this page. While your emails might focus on specific topics, your landing page tells the whole story in one place. It should make it clear that you understand their problems, who they are as people, and invite them to join while setting expectations for membership.

    It’s not about painting a picture that’s too good to be true, but rather stating, “You’re invited to do this, we’d love to have you, but if you join, this is what we require from you, and this is what we look for in our members.” Also, don’t forget to showcase the potential of your community through your own stories and testimonials from current members.

    The third important element is hosting a live event. This is your chance to talk about the community, directly invite people to join, and pitch your offerings. This gives people a taste of what it will feel like to be part of the community.

    You can structure this event as an info session, a workshop, or something similar. Share valuable information, your beliefs, and your vision. Be upfront about the fact that you’ll be inviting them to join the community and that there will be a pitch at the end.

    Finally, one common mistake to avoid is rushing the sales process. Make sure you leave plenty of time at the end to sell. That’s why it’s important not to go too deep in the beginning, so you have plenty of time at the end to talk about the community, your vision for it, and what you’re doing. Now, I’m sure you’ve seen these kinds of memes on the internet. I wanted to find a way to show all these different things as optional, so I put them into this grid.

    The idea is for you to pick which ones you want to do. I’ve roughly arranged them in point order, and you’ll see the points for the other ones a little bit later. The key here is to understand that you won’t do every single one of these, but you can gain a lot of value from doing some key ones.

    So let’s move on to the next options. An open house is basically a type of launch event that you can do. It’s like getting double points by doing just one thing. In an open house, your existing members show potential new members around the community.

    For instance, a community for high-end consultants that I often mention did this. They recruited existing members to tell new members about what happens within the community. They split everyone up into breakout rooms, and each room had at least one existing member. The newcomers got to know the existing member and learn about the community in a very honest way.

    This is a great way to invite people into the community. If you do an event like this, you could pitch your offerings at the end, in the middle, or whenever it makes sense for you.

    Next, consider hosting a guest workshop. This involves partnering with an existing community and hosting a workshop on your area of expertise. This technique is particularly useful if you don’t have a large audience yet.

    One place to start, if it’s relevant for your community, is to host a virtual field trip for Creative Mornings. Through this field trip, you can tell them about the community you’re building or the thing you’re launching.

    Another option is to host a summit. This is a live event that happens over several hours or days, where you bring together a bunch of speakers. Each speaker promotes the event, bringing in a large group of people who wouldn’t have otherwise been in your audience.

    I wouldn’t recommend starting with a summit if you’re just starting from scratch. But to give you an example, Circle has hosted a few summits with a bunch of guests. K from Rad Reads also does something interesting. He hosts a cohort-based course called Supercharge Your Productivity, and before each cohort, they do a boot camp. This is essentially a summit, but they call it a boot camp. It’s free, draws a large crowd, and they convert a certain percentage of those attendees to join the course. And they’re just talking about the community and every time they do it they have at least a couple of people join the community. So those are one point because they’re like very unpredictable about what will happen because it’s social media. Sometimes it can go really well. Sometimes it doesn’t.

    So I’m gonna have you tally that up, but I just wanted to quickly mention what BACB is so I talked about it in the beginning. It’s the course and community that I lead and it’s a four-week cohort and then a full year Community experience. You’re basically learning about Community but while in community with other people who are also kind of on the same boat and getting a ton of support on all the launch stuff, all the marketing stuff, all the tech stuff anything that you need there’s probably someone in the community who can help you with it.

    If you’ve considered joining before if right now our next cohort is not until October, but what we do is you can join at any point and if you join now, you get the time between now and the next cohort in addition to the full year. So your year only starts counting once your cohorts are starts and right now we’re doing like a cool launch camp people are like giving each other feedback on their landing pages. It’s been really fun to be in there.

    And if you have any questions on that or anything else you can DM me on Circle or on Twitter or anywhere else you see me and we can chat. Um, so I’d love to hear if anyone is actually doing this if you could like sum up what you’re planning how many points you’re gonna have for your an upcoming launch that you’re doing.

    So as you add these up, let me just go through again. I literally made this up so don’t take it too seriously. If it’s less than 20 points, I think that’s great for testing and for getting something out there and like Matilda said launching as fast as you can so I think that’s great. If it’s 21 to 31, that’s like a solid launch. That makes a ton of sense. If you have 32 to 39, that’s awesome. That’s going above and beyond great plan and if you have more than 40 is too much. Like that’s too many things for you to manage with just within one watch.

    Again, this is my made-up thing. If you want to know more about me. I have a newsletter it goes out every other week business of community.co. It’s free again. You can apply anytime to join BACB and on the internet as topic.

    Mathilde Leo: Let’s all unmute and let’s clap for Tatiana for this awesome workshop. It was so good. I love this exercise. It’s such a great way to think about launching and I think okay this yeah, right the different tiers and the different things that you can do. And of course some of them are more resource intensive than others. So we wonderful exercise and we’ll make sure to link it in the replay as well. So people can do it in their own time and continue learning and planning what they want to do.

    We have about 10 minutes for question. I’ve noticed some questions from the chat. I’ll pick a couple but in any case we’ll We’ll add all of them to the replay and try and answer to answer them asynchronously. So Amanda was asking earlier at the channel if you have any advice around testimonials. Before you’ve created the community.

    Tatiana Figueiredo: So how do you generate testimonials for your lunch? If you haven’t launched again chicken and egg problem, what would you do not? Don’t worry too much about it. If you really don’t have testimonials, it’s fine just like rely more on your personal story to like show what’s possible because hopefully you’re also like a person who would be a member of your community so rely on that more if you are coming from doing some kind of like one-on-one work if you were a coach those testimonials count like they’re talking about you. They’re talking about your work. They’re talking about the transformation that you’ve already helped enable for people.Tatiana Figueiredo: I’ve also seen people include testimonials that would be almost like LinkedIn endorsements. People who have worked with you before can vouch for your abilities and character. In the beginning, a lot of this is about whether potential members vibe with you, so anyone who has seen you do this kind of work before and can provide a testimonial is useful. But remember, don’t have people lie about their experiences.

    Mathilde Leo: Let’s take a question from the room. Go ahead, Craig.

    Craig: Hey Tatiana, thanks so much for this presentation. My question is about marketing to cold audiences. Some of us may have very limited warm or hot leads, so what is your strategy to approach cold audiences?

    Tatiana Figueiredo: Just be really vulnerable. Talk about why you’re doing this and share your journey. In the first email that you send them, say something like “Hey, you might be on this list because of XYZ reason. This is the journey that I’ve been on, and this is the community I’m launching now. I’m going to start talking about that more. If you want to unsubscribe, click here. Otherwise, if you’re the kind of person who’s interested in this, I’m really passionate about it because of this journey that I’ve been on and I’m going to talk more about it on this list.” Start there with your sequence or whatever else you’re doing, inviting them to the event you’re doing. But yeah, be vulnerable.

    Mathilde Leo: Speaking of sequence, Robin had a question: Where should I start if I don’t know how to do an email sequence or landing page? Do you have any favorite tips or tools?

    Tatiana Figueiredo: You don’t have to overthink it. If you have a small list, you can start just by writing the emails as you’re sending them. Send them to the whole list, think of your first email and send that on Monday, then depending on how long your launch sequence is, send another a few days later. I suggest that you start with your story. This is what I am, this is what I believe, this is my vision. Then little by little, disclose more details about what you’re building and doing. In terms of the technical stuff, don’t overthink it. Just send an email every few days to your list.

    Mathilde Leo: And just to add to that, if you do need help with the technical stuff or the implementation, do come to office hours every Tuesday. We can help you with that. And on the landing page front…

    Tatiana Figueiredo: If you don’t want to use another tool or go through the trouble of setting up a whole page, a trick some people use is just creating a public space in their Circle community. They add a video and some content and messaging in there, then share that space. You can also use whatever tools you’re already using for other stuff. A lot of them have landing page options. I’ve used Card for landing pages, which is very cheap.Tatiana Figueiredo: You can get your landing page up very fast, and there are good templates you can use. So whatever you’re using for your website or whatnot, just get something up fast.

    Mathilde Leo: Great advice. Let’s take one more question from the room and then we’ll say goodbye, or until next time? Vaseline over to you.

    Vaseline: Yes, thank you. For Evergreen courses, do you keep your office hours continuous or do you cap it at the time period of the course? For instance, if you have a challenge for like 30 days, do you just keep it to the 30 days that you found or you just keep it going?

    Tatiana Figueiredo: Yeah. The idea is you’re going to have a challenge for the 30 days and then you want to convert those people into an actual course with office hours. So the 30 days is like how you would start and already have people paying you for something. Then at the end, you can take a pause and maybe relaunch it in a couple months and start from scratch then. Or you can say, “This is going really well. I didn’t promise these people this but I’m gonna keep doing these office hours every month or every other week until I’m ready to launch the rest of the community.”

    Mathilde Leo: Cool. Thank you.

    Joselin: And I tweeted about this even though you know, it’s a private event. I give you guys a shout out.

    Mathilde Leo: Oh, it’s okay. It’s okay. Even if it’s a private event, we appreciate the shout out. I think we can wrap up now. We could talk about launches for another hour with Tatiana given all the amazing ideas and insights she has. So Tatiana, thank you so much. This was an awesome session. Seriously, one of the best ones that I’ve seen on launching specifically.

    For those of you who have asked in the chats, the replay will be in our video library. We’ll post it in the next couple of days. And if you need any help, any guidance or support with your launch, do come to office hours. It happens every Tuesday. We also now have a session focused on payments and monetization with Shannon every Wednesday. So you can find all those events and RSVP in our event space in the Circle community.

    Again, I want to plug the Growth Space because if you did have a question here that didn’t get answered, you can ask it in the Growth Space and we’ll make you a little video. We’ve launched a few weeks ago, maybe a month ago, Spaces dedicated to expert resources. So if you want to have access to Tatiana, if you want to learn more from her and you can join Build a Community Business, I highly recommend you do. Amazing. Thank you, Tatiana. You can join Build a Community Business at any time and then depending on when you’re joining it in the cycle, your year actually only starts when the cohort starts in October. So if you join now, you get more time. If you join in a month, you get a little bit less time.

    Thank you everyone for joining us. Thank you, Tatiana. Have a great day or great evening, depending on where you are and see you in the community.

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